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  Catalog » M-Model » 70951 Vallejo Model Color 001 White (acrylic paint 17ml)
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Product Info
70951 Vallejo Model Color 001 White (acrylic paint 17ml)
Your Price: 11,90 PLN
70951 Vallejo Model Color 001 White (acrylic paint 17ml)
Manufacturer Info Vallejo
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001 Vallejo Model Color 951 White (acrylic paint 17ml)

Colours brush on easily and smoothly, and dry to an opaque, matte finish.
Their finely ground texture makes them perfect for the most miniature details as well as for large surfaces.
They are highly pigmented, light fast and waterproof once dry, and are packaged in a spillproof plastic 17 ml. bottle with eyedropper.

All colours can be mixed with one another and diluted with water. Errors can be corrected inmediately with water or a small amoun of alcohol.

Model Color is manufactured in accordance with ECC normatives, and is not inflammable nor toxic in normal use.

Producer: Vallejo (Spain)

Lack of review.
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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 16 January, 2007.
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