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Product Info
A.MIG-3042 Pigment Metallic Color - Gold 35ml
Your Price: 20,00 PLN
A.MIG-3042 Pigment Metallic Color - Gold 35ml
Manufacturer Info AMMO by Mig Jimenez
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A.MIG-3042 Pigment Metallic Color - Gold 35ml

Use AMMO's pigments to add richness and colour variety of to any surface. These shades offer a highly saturated and intense finish. These pigment colours have high-quality, super-finely ground pigments made with natural products for modelling use. Using various techniques, you can recreate many types of weathering effects including rust, dust, dirt, and many more. Pigments are usually applied using a brush; for application we recommend AMMO´s Precision Pigment brushes range. These pigments can also be airbrushed by mixing them with Enamel Odourless Thinner (A.MIG-2018), which allows you to obtain a smooth colour transition. If you need a strong and durable adhesion to the surface, add a drop of Pigment Fixer (A.MIG-3000) and let it dry.

Manufacturer: AMMO of Mig Jimenez

#JadarHobby, Poland, 03-45 Warszawa, Ratuszowa 11 lok. 243, #ModelingHeaven, #ModellingShop, Great service, friendly staff, well stocked

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