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A.MIG-7107 1935-1945 Soviet Camouflage Set (6x17ml)
Your Price: 68,80 PLN
A.MIG-7107 1935-1945 Soviet Camouflage Set (6x17ml)
Manufacturer Info AMMO by Mig Jimenez
Availability Backorder (Waiting Time: 7~14 days)
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AMMO A.MIG-7107 1935-1945 Soviet Camouflage Set (6x17ml)

   Acrylic paints set for the Red Army vehicles during the 1935-1945 period. Includes the widely used green khaki 4BO, the 7K sand, 6K brown, and two green colours of interwar period also seen at the beginning of World War II: the 3BAU and a green protective coating. This set also includes the new product A.MIG 024 for winter camouflage. This product is made from the same formula as the product used in reality by the Soviet Army, so it can be chipped and washed away as it actually occurred in real vehicles. All products are acrylic and are formulated for maximum performance both with brush or airbrush and the Scale Effect Reduction will allow us to apply the correct colour on our models. Water soluble, odourless and non-toxic. Shake well before each use.
We recommend MIG -2000 Acrylic Thinner for a correct thinning. Dries completely in 24 hours.

Included colours:

A.Mig-019 4bo Russian Green
A.Mig-020 6k Russian Browm
A.Mig-021 7k Russian Tan
A.Mig-022 3b Au Basic Protector Alkidno-Uretanovaya
A.Mig-023 Protective Green
A.Mig-024 Washable White Camo

Producer: AMMO of Mig Jimenez (Spain)

Ammo of Mig-7107

Ammo of Mig-7107


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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 24 December, 2013.
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