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D-Day Miniature Studio

Producer of best quality resin figures in 1/35 and 1/72 scales

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 23 products) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 
    Product Name   Weight   Manufacturer   Price   Buy Now 
D-Day Miniature 35029 1/35 Waffen SS Jeep Passenger, Ardennes 1944
D-Day Miniature 35029 1/35 Waffen SS Jeep ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price:
69,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35029 1/35 Waffen SS Jeep Passenger, Ardennes 1944 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35030 1/35 Waffen SS Jeep Crew, Ardennes 1944
D-Day Miniature 35030 1/35 Waffen SS Jeep Crew, ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 134,00 PLN
129,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35030 1/35 Waffen SS Jeep Crew, Ardennes 1944 Set of two best quality resin figures in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints ... 
D-Day Miniature 35042 1/35 "Last Order" vol.2 Volkssturm, Germany 1945
D-Day Miniature 35042 1/35 "Last Order" vol.2 ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 134,00 PLN
119,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35042 1/35 "Last Order" vol.2 Volkssturm, Germany 1945 Set of two best quality resin figures in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. ... 
D-Day Miniature 35043 1/35 WWI Scottish Infantryman playing football
D-Day Miniature 35043 1/35 WWI Scottish ...  0.0200   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price:
69,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35043 1/35 WWI Scottish Infantryman playing football Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35044 1/35 WWI German Infantryman playing football
D-Day Miniature 35044 1/35 WWI German Infantryman ...  0.0200   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
59,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35044 1/35 WWI German Infantryman playing football Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35050 1/35 Screaming WSS Officer in Anorak, 1944-45
D-Day Miniature 35050 1/35 Screaming WSS Officer ...  0.0200   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35050 1/35 Screaming WSS Officer in Anorak, 1944-45 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35057 1/35 Afrikakorps POW North Africa 1941-43
D-Day Miniature 35057 1/35 Afrikakorps POW North ...  0.0200   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35057 1/35 Afrikakorps POW North Africa 1941-43 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35065 1/35 Hitlerjugend Boy 1, Germany 1945
D-Day Miniature 35065 1/35 Hitlerjugend Boy 1, ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
59,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35065 1/35 Hitlerjugend Boy 1, Germany 1945 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35067 1/35 "Last Order", vol.3, HJ Boys, Germany 1945
D-Day Miniature 35067 1/35 "Last Order", vol.3, ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 134,00 PLN
118,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35067 1/35 "Last Order", vol.3, HJ Boys, Germany 1945 Set of two best quality resin figures in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. ... 
D-Day Miniature 35068 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe Mechanic Winter 1942-45
D-Day Miniature 35068 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35068 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe Mechanic Winter 1942-45 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35069 1/35 WW2 Luftwaffe Mechanic Supervisor Winter 1942-45
D-Day Miniature 35069 1/35 WW2 Luftwaffe Mechanic ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35069 1/35 WW2 Luftwaffe Mechanic Supervisor Winter 1942-45 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints ... 
D-Day Miniature 35075 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe Helferin, Winter 1939-45
D-Day Miniature 35075 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
59,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35075 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe Helferin, Winter 1939-45 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35076 1/35  WWII Luftwaffe Pilot & Helferin, Winter 1942-45
D-Day Miniature 35076 1/35 WWII Luftwaffe Pilot ...  0.0600   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 134,00 PLN
125,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35076 1/35  WWII Luftwaffe Pilot & Helferin, Winter 1942-45 Set of two best quality resin figures in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and ... 
D-Day Miniature 35078 1/35 US Para Officer, Germany 1945
D-Day Miniature 35078 1/35 US Para Officer, ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35078 1/35 US Para Officer, Germany 1945 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
D-Day Miniature 35086 1/35  German Legion Condor Pzgruppe Drohne Officer 2
D-Day Miniature 35086 1/35 German Legion Condor ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price:
69,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35086 1/35  German Legion Condor Pzgruppe Drohne Officer 2 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and ... 
D-Day Miniature 35097 1/35 The War Correspondent with AK47, Modern
D-Day Miniature 35097 1/35 The War Correspondent ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price:
69,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35097 1/35 The War Correspondent with AK47, Modern Best quality resin figure in 1/35th Producer: D-Day Miniature Studio (Poland)   JadarHobby,     
D-Day Miniature 35108 1/35 WWII Hitlerjugend boy with Panzerfausts - 1945
D-Day Miniature 35108 1/35 WWII Hitlerjugend boy ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
60,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35108 1/35 WWII Hitlerjugend boy with Panzerfausts - 1945 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th Caution: glue & paints not included, and are sold separately. Producer: D-Day Miniature Studio (Poland)     
D-Day Miniature 35109 1/35 WWII Luftschutz Member in Adrian Helmet - 1945
D-Day Miniature 35109 1/35 WWII Luftschutz Member ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35109 1/35 WWII Luftschutz Member in Adrian Helmet - 1945 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th Caution: glue & paints not included, and are sold separately. Producer: D-Day Miniature Studio (Poland)     
D-Day Miniature 35110 1/35 WWII The Last Order vol.4 - 1945
D-Day Miniature 35110 1/35 WWII The Last Order ...  0.0500   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price:
134,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35110 1/35 WWII The Last Order vol.4 - 1945 Two best quality resin figures in 1/35th Caution: glue & paints not included, and are sold separately. Producer: D-Day Miniature Studio (Poland)     
D-Day Miniature 35112 1/35 WWII Reichsbahn Helferin, 1939-45
D-Day Miniature 35112 1/35 WWII Reichsbahn ...  0.0300   D-Day Miniature Studio  Price: 69,00 PLN
62,00 PLN

D-Day Miniature 35112 1/35 WWII Reichsbahn Helferin, 1939-45 Best quality resin figure in 1/35th scale. Sculptor: Pawel Krasicki Caution: Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not ... 
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 23 products) Result Pages:  1  2  [Next >>] 
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