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Aber - Photo Eteched parts
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    Product Name   Weight   Manufacturer   Price   Buy Now 
Aber PS-1 Polystyrene plates 0.25mm
 Aber PS-1 Polystyrene plates 0.25mm   0.1000   Aber  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Aber PS-1 Polystyrene plates 0.25mm Polystyrene plates. Dimensions: 195 x 315 x 0.25mm 5 pieces in set. Accessories for modeling - we recommend other polistyrene plates from Aber offer. Please look at PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5 and ... 
Aber PS-2 Polystyrene plates 0.5mm
 Aber PS-2 Polystyrene plates 0.5mm   0.1600   Aber  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Aber PS-2 Polystyrene plates 0.5mm Polystyrene plates. Dimensions: 195 x 315 x 0.5mm 4 pieces in set. Accessories for modeling - we recommend other polistyrene plates from Aber offer. Please look at PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5 and ... 
Aber PS-3 Polystyrene plates 0.75mm
 Aber PS-3 Polystyrene plates 0.75mm   0.1600   Aber  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Aber PS-3 Polystyrene plates 0.75mm Polystyrene plates. Dimensions: 195 x 315 x 0.75mm 3 pieces in set. Accessories for modeling - we recommend other polistyrene plates from Aber offer. Please look at PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5 ... 
Aber PS-4 Polystyrene plates 1mm
 Aber PS-4 Polystyrene plates 1mm   0.1500   Aber  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Aber PS-4 Polystyrene plates 1mm Polystyrene plates. Dimensions: 195 x 315 x 1mm 2 pieces in set. Accessories for modeling - we recommend other polistyrene plates from Aber offer. Please look at PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5 and ... 
Aber PS-5 Polystyrene plates 1.5mm
 Aber PS-5 Polystyrene plates 1.5mm   0.2200   Aber  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Aber PS-5 Polystyrene plates 1.5mm Polystyrene plates. Dimensions: 195 x 315 x 1.5mm 2 pieces in set. Accessories for modeling - we recommend other polistyrene plates from Aber offer. Please look at PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5 and ... 
Aber PS-6 Polystyrene plates 2mm
 Aber PS-6 Polystyrene plates 2mm   0.1600   Aber  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Aber PS-6 Polystyrene plates 2mm Polystyrene plates. Dimensions: 195 x 315 x 2mm 1 piece in set. Accessories for modeling - we recommend other polistyrene plates from Aber offer. Please look at PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5 and PS-6 ... 
AK Interactive AK0142 White Ashes Pigment (35ml)
 AK Interactive AK0142 White Ashes Pigment (35ml)   0.0300   AK Interactive  Price:
17,30 PLN

AK Interactive AK142 White Ashes Pigment (35ml) The definitive collection of pigments designed for modellers. Mig Jiménez, the original creator of pigments which are popular all over the world, has created the new definitive range of pigments ... 
AK Interactive AK0148 Faded Green Pigment (35ml)
 AK Interactive AK0148 Faded Green Pigment (35ml)   0.0400   AK Interactive  Price:
17,30 PLN

AK Interactive AK0148 Faded Green Pigment (35ml) The definitive collection of pigments designed exclusively for modellers. A series of basic necessary and frequently used colors mixable between. AK Interactive pigments are much finer than any of ... 
Amazing 14002 - Cup Cleaning Brush
 Amazing 14002 - Cup Cleaning Brush   0.0500   Amazing Art  Price:
10,00 PLN
Amazing Art - Cup Cleaning Brush Cup cleaning brushes with handles and lid 8 has a handle for paint brushes of different sizes Producer: Amazing Art (China)     
Amazing 15245 - Aibrush Cleaning
 Amazing 15245 - Aibrush Cleaning   0.0500   Amazing Art  Price:
16,00 PLN

Amazing Art 245 - Aibrush Cleaning Cleaning tools for all airbrushes (5 psc). Producer: Amazing Art (China)   
Amazing 15726 - Modeler clampas 9.5cm
 Amazing 15726 - Modeler clampas 9.5cm   0.1000   Amazing Art  Price:
16,00 PLN

Amazing Art - Modeler clampas Model spring clamps Length 9.5 cm 4 pieces in set. Producer: Amazing Art (China)     
Amazing Art 503 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, Gradiation 320
 Amazing Art 503 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, ...   0.0300   Amazing Art  Price:
10,00 PLN

  Amazing Art 503 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, Gradiation 320 - Sheet dimension: 140x115mm Producer: Amazing Art (China) JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly staff, well ... 
Amazing Art 527 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, Gradiation 400
 Amazing Art 527 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, ...   0.0300   Amazing Art  Price:
10,00 PLN

  Amazing Art 527 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, Gradiation 400 - Sheet dimension: 140x115mm Producer: Amazing Art (China) JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly staff, well ... 
Amazing Art 584 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, Gradiation 600
 Amazing Art 584 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, ...   0.0300   Amazing Art  Price:
10,00 PLN

  Amazing Art 584 - Sanding Sponge Sheet, Gradiation 600 - Sheet dimension: 140x115mm Producer: Amazing Art (China) JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly staff, well ... 
Amazing Art 953 - Plastic tweezer length 115 mm  (Tool)
 Amazing Art 953 - Plastic tweezer length 115 mm ...   0.0200   Amazing Art  Price:
6,90 PLN

Amazing Art 953 - Plastic tweezer length 115 mm (Tool) Selected professional tool. Black Plastic Tool length - 115mm Producer: Amazing Art (China)   
Border Model BD0121  Modeling Epoxy Putty Red (50g + 50g)
 Border Model BD0121 Modeling Epoxy Putty Red ...   0.1000   Border Model  Price:
26,00 PLN

  Border Model BD0121  Modeling Epoxy Putty Red (50g + 50g) Great two-component modeling putty. Red colour Working time: 30mins Plasticizing period: 90mins Curving Time: 6h Producer: Border Model JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland ... 
Border Model BD0122  Modeling Epoxy Putty Purple (50g + 50g)
 Border Model BD0122 Modeling Epoxy Putty Purple ...   0.1000   Border Model  Price:
26,00 PLN

  Border Model BD0122  Modeling Epoxy Putty Purple (50g + 50g) Great two-component modeling putty. Purple colour Working time: 30mins Plasticizing period: 90mins Curving Time: 6h Producer: Border Model JadarHobby Warsaw, ... 
Border Model BD0333 Ściski modelarskie / Seamless Auxiliary Clamps
 Border Model BD0333 Ściski modelarskie / ...   0.1500   Border Model  Price:
15,90 PLN

  Border Model BD0333 Seamless Auxiliary Clamps Modelling tool. Four pieces in a plastic bag Producer: Border Model JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly staff, well stocked 
DAFA B-23 - Blades for Compass Cutter (tool)
 DAFA B-23 - Blades for Compass Cutter (tool)   0.0200     Price:
9,00 PLN

DAFA B-23 - Blades for Compass Cutter (tool) In set: - Pencile leads - 2pcs. - Spare Blade - 12pcs.   
Drillpro 0.2mm Tungsten Carbide Micro PCB Drill Bit
 Drillpro 0.2mm Tungsten Carbide Micro PCB Drill ...   0.0200   Drillpro  Price:
4,50 PLN

Drillpro 0.2mm Tungsten Carbide Micro PCB Drill Bit  Made from tungsten carbide(tungsten steel) with high hardness, high wear resistance, not easy to bend and break. Small chip removal resistance, smooth to remove chips and drill ... 
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