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Liquid "Wamod on the Decals" (50ml)
 Liquid "Wamod on the Decals" (50ml)   0.0700   Wamod  Price:
12,00 PLN

Liquid "Wamod on the Decals" (50ml) Decal setting solution. Improves adhesion & eliminates silvering. Works like Microscale MI-01 Micro Sol. Water disolved Capacity 50ml Producer Wamod (Poland)   
Liquid "Wamod under the Decals" (50ml)
 Liquid "Wamod under the Decals" (50ml)   0.0700   Wamod  Price:
12,00 PLN

Liquid "Wamod under the Decals" (50ml) Decal setting solution. Improves adhesion & eliminates silvering. Works like Microscale MI-01 Micro Set. Water disolved Capacity 50ml Producer Wamod (Poland) 
Micro Applicators Premium Plus (15pcs.)
 Micro Applicators Premium Plus (15pcs.)   0.0200     Price:
3,90 PLN

Micro Applicators Premium Plus (15pcs) In plastic bags you can find 15 applicators in 3 different sizes: 5 x 1.5mm 5 x 2mm 5 x 2.5mm Multipurpose tool useful for many techniques, these are some examples: - Peeling paint: With Micro ... 
Microscale MI-01 Micro Set
 Microscale MI-01 Micro Set   0.0500   Microscale  Price:
39,00 PLN

Microscale MI-01 Micro Set Decal setting solution. Improves adhesion & eliminates silvering. Brush Micro Set on the model were the decal is to be applied, then dip decal in water and slide of backing paper into position on the ... 
Microscale MI-03 Micro Flat
 Microscale MI-03 Micro Flat   0.0500   Microscale  Price:
39,00 PLN

Microscale MI-03 Micro Flat Micro Flat is a clear matt finish for models. It has a tough, non-yellowing high-quality finish. It is easy to clean up with water. 1 (US) fl Oz / 29,56ml Producer: Microscale Industries, Inc. USA. 
Microscale MI-04 Micro Gloss
 Microscale MI-04 Micro Gloss   0.0500   Microscale  Price:
39,00 PLN

Microscale MI-04 Micro Gloss Micro Flat is a clear matt finish for models. It has a tough, non-yellowing high-quality finish. It is easy to clean up with water. 1 (US) fl Oz / 29ml Producer: Microscale Industries, Inc. USA. 
Microscale MI-05 Micro Satin
 Microscale MI-05 Micro Satin   0.0500   Microscale  Price:
39,00 PLN

Microscale MI-05 Micro Satin Micro Flat is a clear matt finish for models. It has a tough, non-yellowing high-quality finish. It is easy to clean up with water. 1 (US) fl Oz / 29ml Producer: Microscale Industries, Inc. USA.   
Microscale MI-07 Micro Mask
 Microscale MI-07 Micro Mask   0.0500   Microscale  Price:
39,00 PLN

Microscale MI-07 Micro Mask Micro Mask is a liquid masking medium for easy detail masking. Designed to be used with petroleum based paints. Before painting simply brush on, leave to dry, cut to shape with a hobby knife and lift off unwanted ... 
Microscale MI-08 Micro Metal Foil Adhesive
 Microscale MI-08 Micro Metal Foil Adhesive   0.0500   Microscale  Price:
39,00 PLN

Microscale MI-08 Micro Metal Foil Adhesive With Metal Foil Adhesive (& metal foil which needs to be sourced seperately) you can create realistic metal surfaces. It is fast drying, permanent and easy to apply. 1 (US) fl Oz / ... 
Milliput BLACK
 Milliput BLACK   0.1500   Milliput  Price:
39,00 PLN

  Milliput BLACK For the restoration of porcelain and other ceramics for the repair of antiques, objects d'art, Victorian dolls, picture mouldings, etc. For sculpting and modelling. For the repair of white domestic chinaware and for ... 
Milliput Silver Grey
 Milliput Silver Grey   0.1500   Milliput  Price:
36,00 PLN

* * * * * Milliput Silver Grey Silver Grey was introduced as a slightly finer filler and is widely used for modelmaking, sculpting, taxidermy and for the repair of garden ornaments. 
Milliput Turquoise Blue (modelling putty)
 Milliput Turquoise Blue (modelling putty)   0.1500   Milliput  Price:
48,00 PLN

Milliput Turquoise Blue (modelling putty) Very finely ground, excellent two-component modeling mass. turquoise color Epoxy putty for the restoration of porcelain and other ceramics for the repair of antiques, objects d'art, Victorian ... 
Onlyou ESD-10 - Universal Tweezer 120mm (Tool)
 Onlyou ESD-10 - Universal Tweezer 120mm (Tool)   0.0500   Drillpro  Price:
9,90 PLN

  Onlyou ESD-10 - Universal Tweezer 120mm (Tool) Selected professional tool. Stainless Steel Anti-acid Anti-magnetic Tool length - 120mm JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly ... 
Onlyou ESD-11 - Universal Tweezer 140mm (Tool)
 Onlyou ESD-11 - Universal Tweezer 140mm (Tool)   0.0500   Drillpro  Price:
9,90 PLN

  Onlyou ESD-11 - Universal Tweezer 140mm (Tool) Selected professional tool. Stainless Steel Anti-acid Anti-magnetic Tool length - 140mm JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly ... 
Onlyou ESD-12 - Universal Tweezer 135mm (Tool)
 Onlyou ESD-12 - Universal Tweezer 135mm (Tool)   0.0500   Drillpro  Price: 9,90 PLN
7,92 PLN

  Onlyou ESD-12 - Universal Tweezer 135mm (Tool) Selected professional tool. Stainless Steel Anti-acid Anti-magnetic Tool length - 135mm JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly ... 
Onlyou ESD-13 - Universal Tweezer 120mm (Tool)
 Onlyou ESD-13 - Universal Tweezer 120mm (Tool)   0.0500   Drillpro  Price: 9,90 PLN
7,92 PLN

  Onlyou ESD-13 - Universal Tweezer 120mm (Tool) Selected professional tool. Stainless Steel Anti-acid Anti-magnetic Tool length - 120mm JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, friendly ... 
Onlyou ESD-15 - Universal Tweezer 120mm - curved (Tool)
 Onlyou ESD-15 - Universal Tweezer 120mm - curved ...   0.0500   Drillpro  Price:
9,90 PLN

  Onlyou ESD-15 - Universal Tweezer 120mm - curved (Tool) Selected professional tool. Stainless Steel Anti-acid Anti-magnetic Tool length - 120mm JadarHobby Warsaw, Poland - Modeling Heaven #Modelling Shop, Great service, ... 
Ostrze skalpela nr 10 / Scalpel blade No. 10 (Uchwyt/Handle 3)
 Ostrze skalpela nr 10 / Scalpel blade No. 10 ...   0.0010     Price:
1,00 PLN

Ostrze skalpela nr 10 / Scalpel blade No. 10 (Uchwyt/Handle 3) Extremely sharp surgical blade, perfect for all modeling jobs. Made of carbon steel. Each blade is individually wrapped in aluminum foil. This blade fits "Scalpel Handle # ... 
Ostrze skalpela nr 10A / Scalpel blade No. 10A (Uchwyt/Handle 3)
 Ostrze skalpela nr 10A / Scalpel blade No. 10A ...   0.0010     Price:
1,00 PLN

Ostrze skalpela nr 10A / Scalpel blade No. 10A (Uchwyt/Handle 3) Extremely sharp surgical blade, perfect for all modeling jobs. Made of carbon steel. Each blade is individually wrapped in aluminum foil. This blade fits "Scalpel Handle # ... 
Ostrze skalpela nr 11 / Scalpel blade No. 11 (Uchwyt/Handle 3)
 Ostrze skalpela nr 11 / Scalpel blade No. 11 ...   0.0010     Price:
1,00 PLN

Ostrze skalpela nr 11 / Scalpel blade No. 11 (Uchwyt/Handle 3) Extremely sharp surgical blade, perfect for all modeling jobs. Made of carbon steel. Each blade is individually wrapped in aluminum foil. This blade fits "Scalpel Handle # ... 
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