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Humbrol 252 - RLM 82 Olivgrun Matt - 14ml Enamel Paint
Your Price: 12,00 PLN
Humbrol 252 - RLM 82 Olivgrun Matt - 14ml Enamel Paint
Manufacturer Info Humbrol (England)
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Humbrol 252 - RLM 82 Olivgrun Matt - 14ml Enamel Paint

A solvent-based, fast-dry paint developed for use on plastic model kits but which can also be used on other substrates.
A wide range of surfaces including most plastics, wood, glass, ceramics, metal, cardboard, sealed plaster, sealed hardboard and more (always try on a small test area to check suitability)
14ml tin covers approx. 0.3m² depending on thickness of application
Brush straight from the tin. Airbrush with a suitable thinner such as Humbrol Enamel Thinners. Two thin coats are preferable to one thick coat. The usual thinning ratio is 2 parts paint to 1 part thinner. Note that Metalcote colours are designed to be polished when fully dry.
Drying time
Gloss: 1-2 hours
Matt & Satin: 20-40 mins touch dry, up to 24 hours for hard dry
Metallics: hard dry in approx. 10 days. Drying times will vary according to ambient temperature and humidity. Recoat: 6 hours minimum (preferably overnight)
Safety Notice:
Flammable. Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. Vapour may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Contains cobalt octoate,methyl ethyl ketoxime. May produce an allergic reaction. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking . Use under adult supervision. if swallowed , wash mouth out with water. Do not induce vomiting. keep at rest and obtain medical attention.

Producer: Humbrol (England)


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    The Jadar-Model manages two shops. One of them is internet shop (virtual), while the other is "real" and is placed in Warsaw, Poland's Capital. The same sort of models is offered by both shops. As we have large offer, we have no sufficient storage place with great number of the the same items to supply both shops simultaneously. It's highly possibly, that item you wish to buy in internet shop was just sold in our "real" shop. In such case we will inform you by mail that we have to restock the storages and your order will be fulfilled a little bit longer since we are awaiting for producer's delivery. Please by patient.

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 10 October, 2013.
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