Ynot W71 "Eastern coctail part 1"
Best quality decals for armor models in 1/72 scale.
1. BRDM belonging to unknown Polish unit in 1960s - for Armo 72001;
2. BRDM-2 of Croatian Armed Forces, captured from Yugoslavian National Army (still retains it's markings), Spring, 1992 - for Armo 72002;
3. ZSU-23-4 "SHILKA" of unknown unit of the Polish Army in 1970s - Armo 72051;
4. BMP-1 of unknown unit of the Polish Army in 1980s - Armo 72018;
5. T-34/85 belonging to unknown Coast Defence Unit. Unique form of national emblem and smaller "1" are noteworthy. Location unknown, the sixties. - for AER model.
6. T-34/85 of unknown Syrian Army unit destroyed at Ein Fite, Banias sector, in 1967. An inscription on the turret "In memory of Hermitz Yunis Butrus" traditionally conmemorates a 1948-war hero - AER;
7. BRDM-2 of unknown Polish unit during invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1968 - Armo 72002;
8. T-34/85 belonging to unknown unit of the Polish Army - AER;
9. PT-76B of unknown unit of the Polish Army during invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1968 - Armo 72011;
10. ZSU-23-4W1 "SHILKA" of unknown unit of the Polish Army, 1980s - Armo 72051;
11. ZSU-23-4M "SHILKA" of Syrian Armed Forces in Lebanon, 1980s - Armo 72017;
12. PT-76B of unknown unit of the Polish Army in 1970s - Armo 72011;
13. T-55 belonging to unknown Polish unit in 1970s - Armo 72026;
14. BRDM-96M of KFOR's Polish detachment in Bosnia, 1999.
Decal sheet: 6,5cm x 9cm
Etched brass (W71PE and W72PE): 1,5xm x 2cm - "road priority markings"
